Saturday, October 2, 2010

Opening Gambit

I'm not going to make any gigantic predictions at this point, but my goal is to create a website where the ideas I have and projects I create become public domain. Why? I have, for a long time, been enamored with the concept that all of my products, whether they be songs, stories, lists, books, or shape-the-world revelations, would be salable. I still hold to this, but I am less inclined to think that I can hold back these things until "the proper time." Thus, I am making the work of my mind and my fingers available to the public, without cost. In short, gifts to the world.

Now, if the mechanics make it so, and/or the workings of the Lord deem it so, these gifts will attract many. If not, I cannot say that I didn't make myself available.

I will be posting many things: (1) a Beatles checklist to end all checklists, comprehensive in that it will guide the collector of Beatles audio and video to the sources; but, more so, it will be concise, plain, and complete - something I have not experienced except in my own database; (2) a compendium of writings ranging from political to emotional; for this, I expect no more than catharsis; (3) a Fantastic Film database which will, I think, amend the incorrect thoughts on the genre (but I am dreaming now); (4) original songs which I have written, some of which are detrimental to your health, some of which are genius; (5) and etc.

I look forward to your patronage.

Tom Wise



My Website: University of Truth

My Cataclysmic Book: The Mark

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